Sunday, September 16

Plums! Again! Eeek!

More plums have arrived! Our neighbor gave us two more bags of plums that I've now turned into plain green plum jam (6 jars) and plum-cinnamon jam (4 jars). Then, another neighbor brought over the bag of plums he had originally given HER because she didn't know what to do with all of the plums! So, now I have yet another bag of plums (and each bag entirely fills my colander) to deal with. This last bag I think will turn into a Plum Converse with nuts and raisins. Then, Sofia and I will deliver some jars of each type back to the neighbors to share the bounty.

I'm almost out of jars now and I'm entirely out of sugar, so I'll need to remedy these things to be able to finish the putting up of the plums. I still don't have any tomatoes preserved, but we have a lot of plums!

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