Saturday, December 22

Spiedini [Grilled Lamb]

In my mother's family's village in Italy, they make these things called spiduchi: in the rest if Italy, they call them spiedini. Spiedini is the generic term for small pieces of meat cooked on a grill. Spiduchi are small chunks of lamb, salted, and grilled. They are usually made for feasts and other special occasions; they might be one the best things ever.

We ended up buying a 7# leg of lamb, using the special spiedini cutter to skewer and cut it up, salted it, then grilled it for about 5 minutes over hot coals.

Spiedini are possibly the easiest thing to make (it helps that my aunt and uncle have the special spiedini maker to make the skewering and cutting easy), and super tasty. We probably made about 150-175 skewers, and between the 9 of us, they were being eaten as soon as they came off the grill.

Notes and Next Time

  • We don't have the special spiedini maker - it's 1400 miles away - and I'm not sure I want to go through all the skewering and cutting without it. I'm not sure next time will be anytime soon.
  • There's really no way to improve on spiduchi. Except to be sure to soak the skewers so they don't burn over the fire.
  • Lamb
  • Salt
  • Grill

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